Current Issue
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TABLE OF CONTENT (IJESRT, 2(5):May -2013) |
Page No. |
1 | Comparative Study on Cold Form Purlins for Distortional Buckling Behaviour. Govindasamy.P*1, Sreevidya .V2, Dr.L.S.Jayagopal3 |
1037-1043 |
2 | Geological characteristicsand analysis of the zinc-fluorite ore deposit prospecting in Naoyangping-Damogou mine at Pingli County, southeastern Shaanxi, China . MoussoundaKounga Claude*1, ZhengYouye2, Yang xingke3 |
1044-1049 |
3 | Anti Corrosive Rubber Coating. Atul J. Shah*1, Prof. G.B. Bhagchandani2 |
1050-1054 |
4 | Efficient Water Distribution System Using Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA): A Case Study of Vijayawada Municipal Corporation, Andhra Pradesh, India. Dr. G.Venkata Ramana |
1055-1061 |
5 | Implementation of Tire Pressure Controlling System for Vehicles . B.Maheshwaran*1, A.Arjun2, M.Senthil Kumar3 |
1062-1064 |
6 | Content Based Image Retrieval with Texture and Colour . Thakkalapally Radha Krishna*1, Swarnalatha P2, D. Ganesh Gopal3, L Ramanathan4 |
1065-1068 |
7 | Modelling and Simulation (using MATLAB) of Silicon Carbide (SiC) based 1- Dimensional Photonic Crystal with 3 Layered Unit Cell . Avik Chakraborty |
1069-1075 |
8 | Programming Language and Artificial Intelligence Development. Mrs. Rekha Purohit*1, Prof. Prabhat Mathur2 |
1076-1079 |
9 | Voltage and Frequency Scaling in Low Power VLSI . DR. K.Padmapriya*1, CH.Pavankumar2 | 1080-1087 |
10 | Identification of Suitable Locations for Mini Hydal Power Plants Using Geomatics . Dr. G.Venkata Ramana |
1088-1092 |
11 | Ore-Forming and Ore-Controlling Structures of the Naoyangping-Damogou Zn (CaF2) ore deposit, Shaanxi Province, China. Moussounda Kounga Claude*1, ZHENG Youye2 , YANG 3 and Zhang Wen Gao2 |
1093-1102 |
12 | Fault Analysis Studies on Wind Form. Minal M. Chanvhan |
1103-1105 |
13 | Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Security: Challenges and solutions. Annan Naidu Paidi |
1106-1110 |
14 | Design of High Throughput K-Best For MIMO Detector. K.Gowri*1, N.Rajeswaran2 |
1111-1115 |
15 | Reconfigured Low Power FPGA Architecture . Poornima.M*1, Ramamoorthy.P2 |
1116-1121 |
16 | Wheelchair Motion Control Guide Using Eye Movement Based on EEG Signals. D.Uma Mageswari*1, G.Selvavinayagam2 |
1122-1127 |
17 | Dynamic Time Sync Reference Load Balancing In Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol. Mr. Augustine Praveen Raja Ilango*1, Dr. T.V.U. Kiran Kumar2, Ms. A. Geetha3 |
1128-1131 |
18 | Implementation of Adaptive Steganalysis Of LSB Replacement in Colour Images . A.S.Renin*1, Dr.P.Ramamoorthy2 |
1132-1139 |
19 | Memory Efficient VLSI Architecture with High Throughput and Low Latency Image Decomposition Using 3D-DWT Kiruthika.P*1, M.Saravanan2 |
1140-1143 |
20 | Power Efficient On-Data Collection Using Mobile Robot in WSN . Shiju Samuel*1, S.Arulselvi2, Dr Kirankumar3 |
1144-1152 |
21 | An Intersection Based Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks . G.Mohanambal*1, T.Prabakaran2 |
1153-1158 |
22 | Performance Comparison of ADSDV and DSDV in MANET . Brahm Prakash Dahiya |
1159-1163 |
23 | An Improved NEH Algorithm Applied to Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling . Ekta Singhal*1, Dr Naveen Hemrajani2 |
1164-1170 |
24 | Removal of Organic Acids from Effluent via Freeze Crystallization. Tarak C. Padhiyar*1, Prof. Suchen B. Thakore2 |
1171-1176 |
25 | Design and Verification of VLSI Based AES Crypto Core Processor Using Verilog HDL. Dr.K.Padama Priya*1, N. Deepthi Priya2 |
1177-1181 |
26 | Detection of Selfish Node in Manet using a Collaborative Watchdog. Josephin Jeneba Y*1, Prabakaran T2 |
1182-1188 |
27 | Rule-Based Decision Tree to Identify Malicious Traffic. Neha Jain*1 , Dr Naveen Hemrajani2 |
1189-1192 |
28 | Power Quality Improvement using FC-TCR (SVC) with Fuzzy Logic Controller . Puranik Sahu*1 , Ghanshyam Vishwakarma2 |
1193-1196 |
29 | DAC: Generic and Automatic Address Configuration for Data Center Networks . P. Gobi*1, S.Arulselvi2, Dr T.Kirankumar3 |
1197-1206 |
30 | Replica Node Attacks Detection in Mobile Sensor Networks Using Efficient and Distributed Scheme . R. Kalichamy*1, S.Arulselvi2, Dr.T. Kirankumar3 |
1207-1217 |
31 | On the Non-Homogeneous Equation of the Eighth Degree withSix Unknowns x5-y5+(x3-y3)xy = p(z2-w2)2T3 . S.Vidhyalakshmi*1, K.Lakshmi2, M.A.Gopalan3 |
1218-1223 |
32 | A Review on Energy Efficient Approaches for AODV Protocol . Himanshu Bisht*1, Dr. H L Mandoria2 |
1124-1227 |
33 | Upgrading the Performance of an Adaptive Smart Antennas. Githin. G. Mathew*1, Ms. P. Thamarai2, Dr. T.V.U. Kiran Kumar3 |
1228-1233 |
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34 | Countering Selective Jamming Attacks in Wireless Networks . Prathyusha*1, Y.R.K.Paramahamsa2 |
1234-1236 |
35 | Efficient Structure for Testing Operational Amplifiers . Venkatesh Kumar.N*1, Raghavendra2, Praveen3, Damodhar.V4 |
1237-1239 |
36 | Immobilizer Implementation using Mutual Authentication with Enhanced Security using 802.15.4 Protocol . N. Gomathi*1, B. Karthik2, Dr.T.U.V.Kiran Kumar3 |
1240-1246 |
37 | A Dynamic and Efficient Resource Management by using Heuristics Algorithm. Anandharaj.V*1, Ms.A.Geetha2 |
1247-1250 |
38 | A Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Waste Collection Problem with Various Zones and Intermediate Facilities. H. Rafiei*1, M. Rabbani2, H. Vafa-Arani2, N. Khoshnudi4 |
1251-1259 |
39 | Simulation of Proximity Effect in Transformer Due to Harmonic Loads. Lata Kotwani*1, Ranjana Singh2 |
1260-1263 |
40 | Improved Shear Performance of Bent-Up Bars in Reinforced Concrete Beams . Abdul Qader S. Najmi*1, Moayyad M. Al-Nasra2, Naiem M. Asha1 |
1264-1268 |
41 | Improve Power Quality Problem Using Series Compensator . Pooja Shrivas*1, Arun Pachori2 |
1269-1272 |
42 | A Novel Method for Road Extraction from Satellite Images . Premnath.P*1, Madava Krishnan.M2, S.Arulselvi3, Dr Kirankumar4 |
1273-1278 |
43 | An Efficient Selfishness Aware Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks . N.Senthilkumar*1, Dr. T.V U. Kiran Kumar2 |
1279-1283 |
44 | A Survey: Web Log Mining using Genetic Algorithm . Ranu Singhal*1, NirupamaTiwari2 |
1284-1286 |
45 | High Order Differential Covariance based Source Separation of Monkey’s fMRI Data . Amir A Khaliq*1, I M Qureshi2, Jawad A Shah1, Suheel A Malik1 |
1287-1292 |
46 | Analysis of Factors that Affect e-Governance . Dr. Pardeep Mittal*1, Amandeep Kaur2 |
1293-1300 |
47 | Non Linear Adaptive Filter for Interference Suppression. Bhaskar Gupta*1, Vinod Kumar Mishra2 |
1301-1307 |
48 | Modeling of Optical Pulse Propagation in Nonlinear Dispersive Media using JE-TLM Method. H. El Faylali*1, M. Iben Yaich2 and M. Khaladi3 |
1308-1312 |
49 | On the Heptic Non-Homogeneous Equation with Four Unknowns xy(x+y) + zw6 =0 . M.A.Gopalan*1, G.Sumathi2, S.Vidhyalakshmi3 |
1313-1317 |
50 | Reduction of Roughness in FIR-SR Filter to DESIGN the Higher Order QAM Communication System. R.Sureshkumar*1, C.Elayaraja2 |
1318-1323 |
51 | Advanced LEACH Protocol in Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks. Ms.V.Muthulakshmi |
1324-1329 |
52 | Unsteady Rotating MHD Free and forced Convection Flow in a Channel . R.N Barik |
1330-1342 |
53 | Heart Disease Prediction System Using SVM and Naive Bayes . Ms. R.R.Ade*1, Dhanashree S. Medhekar2, Mayur P. Bote3 |
1343-1348 |
54 | IP Over DWDM. Vimal.K.*1, Dr.T.V.U Kiran Kumar2, G.K.Senthil Kumar3 |
1349-1353 |
55 | Pattern Recognition Using Automatic Image Classification and Recognition Methods: A Literature Review . Dr.D.Pugazhenthi*1 ,V.Shenbaga Priya2 |
1354-1356 |
56 | Electronic Patch Wireless Reflectance Pulse Oximetry for Remote Health Monitoring . S.Venkatesh |
1357-1361 |
57 | Study of Active Contour Modelling for Image Segmentation: A Review . Jaspreet Kaur |
1362-1366 |
58 | Aggregate Query Processing using Random walk approach in Dynamic Environment. Vinod S. Gangwani*1, Prof. P. L. Ramteke2 |
1367-1371 |
59 | Security Issues in Wireless Sensor Network: A Review. Pooja Gupta*1, Dr.Naveen Hemrajani2 |
1372-1375 |
60 | FPGA Implementation of Secret Communication. K.Thirunavukarasu*1, Dr. T.V.U. Kiran Kumar2, Ms. S. Arulselvi3 |
1376-1381 |
61 | Hydrochemical Facies, Groundwater Pattern in 'Red Beds and Basaltic aquifers', origin of Brackish waters and salt encrustation, Khanapur Plateau, Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India.. Siddig M.E*1, O.A.O.Al-Imam*, Hussein A.H.* |
1382-1398 |
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