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TABLE OF CONTENT (IJESRT, 2(9):September -2013) |
Page No. |
1 | Consumpton Comparison of Different Modes of Operation of a Hybrid Vehicle. Dr. Mukhtar M. A. Murad*1, Dr. Jasem Alrajhi2 |
2221-2225 |
2 | Modeling and Analysis of PI Controller Based Speed Control of Brushless DC Motor Drive. Mr.P.Nagasekhar Reddy |
2226-2231 |
3 | Constant Stress Accelerated Life Testing Using Rayleigh Geometric Process Model. S. Saxena*1, Arif-Ul-Islam2 |
2232-2239 |
4 | Ψ- Dichotomy for Linear Dynamic Systems on Time Scales. B.V.Appa Rao*1, M.S.N.Murty2, K.A.S.N.V Prasad3 |
2240-2248 |
5 | Design of Wallace Tree Multiplier using Compressors. K.Gopi Krishna*1, B.Santhosh2, V.Sridhar3 |
2249-2254 |
6 | Using Model Driven Approach for Software Reliability. Ashwini Kumar Saini*1, Sonam Gupta2 Withdrawn by Author |
2255-2259 |
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7 | A Review on Software Reliability. Damanjit Kaur*1, Inderpal Singh2 |
2260-2263 |
8 | Comparative Analysis of MRAFC Controller MRAC Controller. (Ms.) Swati Mohore*1, Dr. (Mrs.) Shailja Shukla2 |
2264-2268 |
9 | A Survey on the Defense Mechanisms of Jamming Attacks in Wireless Networks. T.Ramesh*1, S.S.Meenatchi2 |
2269-2273 |
10 | Convective Flow under Rotating Force. Meenu Hooda |
2274-2277 |
11 | Design of Prototypic Army BOT for Landmine Detection and Control Using Hand Gestures and PC. Bia Roshini Sk*1, Dr. Rv.Krishnaiah2 |
2278-2283 |
12 | Noval Wavelet Coefficient for Fusion of Multi Modality Images and Preserving Edge Features in Medical Applications. Sampath Kumar Dara*1, Kaparthi Uday2 |
2284-2288 |
13 | Design and Construction of Solar Power-Based Lighting System. Oke A. O.*1, Adigun A. A.2, Fenwa O. D.3 |
2289-2292 |
14 | FCM Algorithm for Medical Image Segmentation Using HMRF. Rajeev V R*1, Dr Sreeja Mole S S2 |
2293-2299 |
15 | Study on MEMS Fabrication Techniques and Applications. S. Madhava Reddy*1 and A. Anudeep Kumar2 |
2300-2305 |
16 | A Survey on Intrusion Detection System in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. T. Ramesh*1, S. Kavipriya2 |
2306-2310 |
17 | An Implementation of Text Dependent Speaker Independent Isolated Word Speech Recognition Using HMM. Ms. Rupali S Chavan*1, Dr. Ganesh S. Sable2 |
2311-2318 |
18 | Quality Improvement in the Production Process of Grinding Balls. Andrew Muzinda*1, Rumbidzai Muvunzi2, Catherine Maware3 |
2319-2323 |
19 | A Study of Techno Economic Feasibility for Safe Drinking Water Supply in Coastal Village Nana Ashota in Jamnagar District, Gujarat. Rahul Oza |
2324-2332 |
20 | On Regular Difilters in Ditopological Texture Spaces. I.Arockia Rani*1, A.A.Nithya2, K.Balachandran3 |
2333-2339 |
21 | Estimation of Weibull Parameters In Accelerated Life Testing Using Geometric Process With Type-Ii Censored Data. Mustafa Kamal |
2340-2347 |
22 | A Retrospective Survey on Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. P.Anbumani*1, D.Arockia Nancy2, M.Narendran3 |
2348-2354 |
23 | Avoiding Unbeneficial Handoff and Reducing Handoff Latency in Wlans Based on Network Condition. V.Saravanan*1, Dr. A.Sumathi2 |
2355-2360 |
24 | Constrained Three Dimensional Job Assignment Model . P. Madhu Mohan Reddy*1, C. Suresh Babu 1, V.K. Soma Sekhar Srinivas1 , Sundara Murthy M1 |
2361-2387 |
25 | An Approach to Glaucoma using Image Segmentation Techniques. Mrs Preeti Kailas Suryawanshi |
2388-2392 |
26 | Cost Benefit Analysis of an Eco-Friendly Auditorium over a Normal Auditorium. P.Samatha Chowdary*1, J.Usha Kranti2, Dr.P.Ch.Sanjeevarao3 |
2393-2399 |
27 | Application of Loss Sensitivity Factor and Genetic Algorithm for Capacitor Placement for Minimum Loss in radial Distribution System. Dinakara Prasad Reddy P |
2400-2403 |
28 | Implementation of the Atm Security System by Using ZIGBEE. V.Prashanthi*1, B.Suresh Ram2, Abdul Subani Shaik3 |
2404-2406 |
29 | A Technical Review on Web Application Security Vulnerabilities. Chandan Singh |
2407-2419 |
30 | Investigating the Hydrological Characteristics of Kaduna River Basin. A Saminu*1, I Abdullahi2, U Tsoho3, I Nasiru4, A I Ayinla5 |
2420-2423 |
31 | Evaluation for Corrosion Resistance of Nano-Cluster Layer and Biofilm Formation. Hideyuki Kanematsu*1, Takehiko Hihara2, Tomoyuki Ishihara3, Kyoki Imura4, Takeshi Kogo5 |
2424-2432 |
32 | Design Analysis and Circuit Enhancements of SR-Flip Flops. Prof. Olawale J. Omotosho*1, Engr. Samson O. Ogunlere2 |
2433-2446 |
33 | An Enhanced Paillier’s Algorithm Using Homomorphic Encryption Thresholding. Rahul Yogi*1, Mrs. Pushpa.G2 |
2447-2454 |
34 | Health Monitoring System Using Wi-Fi as a Communication Medium on ARM7. G.Vijaya Lakshmi*1, B.Suresh Ram2, T.Ramakrishna3 |
2455-2458 |
35 | Automated Toll Gate Collection with Complex Security System. Saritha.M*1, M.Veda Chary2 |
2459-2462 |
36 | ZIGBEE Based Agriculture Management System. J.Swetha*1, P.Raveendra Babu2 |
2463-2466 |
37 | Utilization of Reinforced Concrete Flexural (Shear) Walls in Multistorey Buildings with Effect of Lateral Loads under Flat Terrain. Venkata Sairam Kumar.N*1, P.V.S.Maruthi Krishna2 |
2467-2471 |
38 | Design and Performance analysis of Low power CMOS Op-Amp. Anand Kumar Singh*1, Anuradha2, Dr. Vijay Nath3 |
2472-2476 |
39 | Effect of Clipping Ratio on Bit Error Rate Performance of Clipped and Filtered OFDM Signal. Namrata Chopra *1, Baljit Kaur2 |
2477-2479 |
40 | A Survey on Blackhole Attack Detection Methods in Manet. T.Ramesh*1, T.Jothimani2 |
2480-2483 |
41 | Design and Implementation of BISR for 3d Multiple SRAMS with Redundancies in a SOC. C.V.Keerthi Latha*1, R.Hema latha2 |
2484-2490 |
42 | Studies on Effect of Doping Alumina Nanoparticles in ION Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites. Ritu Tomar*1, Dr. Chirag R Sharma2 |
2491-2496 |
43 | Video Inpainting for Moving Object Removal Using Patch Sparsity. Meenal R. Dusane*1, Dr. G. S. Sable2 |
2497-2505 |
44 | Theoretical Analysis of Regenerator for Reversed Stirling Cycle Review. Vikram Patel*1, Amitesh Poul2, Dr.G.R.Selokar3, Priyanka Jhavar4 |
2506-2509 |
45 | Evaluation of MicroAddress Recorder for Location Tracking. Shaveta Bhatia*1, SabaHilal2 |
2510-2520 |
46 | Handwritten Devnagari Special Characters and Words Recognition Using Neural Network. Vaibhav Dedhe*1, Sandeep Patil2 |
2521-2526 |
47 | Multi Level Anti Theft Security System using GSM Technology. Y. Prashanthi*1, Y. Aruna suhasini2, B. Jyothi3 |
2527-2530 |
48 | Micro-Level Landslide Hazard Zonation of Saitual Town, Mizoram, India Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. R.K.Lallianthanga*1, F. Lalbiakmawia2 |
2531-2546 |
49 | Microcontroller Based Weather Data Logger. Khatheja SK*1, Dr.M.B.R.Murthy2 |
2547-2550 |
50 | Bike Side Stand Unfolded Ride Lock Link. Sanjeev N K |
2551-2552 |
51 | An Elegant Approach for Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease on MRI Brain Images by Means of a Neural Network. Aprajita Sharma*1, Mr. Ram Nivas Giri2 |
2553-2557 |
52 | Gear Oil Drainage from End-Of-Life Vehicles (Elvs): Statistical Results. Mohit Garg*1, Sumeet Sharma2, Dr. D. Gangacharyulu3 |
2558-2565 |
53 | Comparison of Electricity Generation and Direct use of Geothermal Energy. R.K. Pal |
2566-2569 |
54 | Comparison between Serial Adder and Parallel Adder. Ashivani Dubey*1, Jagdish Nagar2 |
2570-2572 |
55 | Algorithm for Ordering of Message in Mobile Computing Environment. Mr. Jayanta Loha |
2573-2576 |
56 | Custom Web Scrapping for Content Aggregation from E-Commerce Websites. Bhushan J*1, Nijagunarya2 |
2577-2581 |
57 | A Study of Livestock Ration Formulation using Goal Programming and Random Search Technique for Global Optimization. Radha Gupta*1, Jothi Lakshmi2, Manasa Chandan3 |
2582-2589 |
58 | An Efficient Routing of TORA Protocol with Clustering Technique in MANET. Abdul Mannan*1, Hitesh Gupta2 |
2590-2596 |
59 | A Survey on Sensor Usage and Training With Realtime Application. Sasikumar M*1, Narendran M2 |
2597-2608 |
2609-2628 |
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International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology